In 2018, Takahashi published the limited series The Comiq in Weekly Shōnen Jump. In 2015, the manga artist received the Inkpot award from Comic-Con International for his outstanding contributions to comics. In 2013, the one shot manga Drump was released in Weekly Shōnen Jump, based on a new game by Kazuki Takahashi. Takahashi has continued to supervise the creation of Yu-Gi-Oh! manga since the end of the original manga's run. However, Shueisha, the publisher of the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine, received so many letters and fan-mail asking about 'Magic and Wizards' that Takahashi decided to extend it. Originally intended as a one-shot in the manga's episodic introduction of new games, the game was named 'Magic and Wizards' as a reference to the card game Magic: The Gathering and its publishing company Wizards of the Coast (the card game's name was changed to 'Duel Monsters' in the anime adaptations). Takahashi's Yu-Gi-Oh! manga led to the creation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game published by Konami. Takahashi did not find success until 1996, when he created Yu-Gi-Oh! One of his earliest works, Tennenshoku Danji Buray (天然色男児BURAY), was published from 1991 to 1992 and lasted two volumes. His first work was Tokiō no taka (闘輝王の鷹, Fighting Hawk), published in 1990. Takahashi started as a manga artist in 1982.